Friday, July 18, 2008

A difficult move

For those unaware, our move was everything except smooth. We ran into many snags along the way, one being that our all of our belongings were a week LATE!!!!!! So we decided to leave Seans's parents house the day before our stuff arrived, to learn that we were going to have to improvise in order to have dinner. These are some pics from that occasion. NO CUtting board or knive, so sean used cardboard and a hunting knife. Then in the morining we had coffee but no cups.....not good!! So we rinsed out some baby jars and used those to drink out of.....not ideal but it worked!!!

Meeting my great grandma

Serena loves the beach

More fun at the beach

Lincoln City, Oregon

Yum, sand!!!

First time at the Ocean

Just like daddy, crawling for the water without a care in the world!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Last pics of house

These are blueberries, we also have apples and grapes!! YUMMM!!

More house

Part of master bath, there is also a shower and the sink.
Another bath. There are 2 full and 1 half.
Serenas room.

More house pics

More kitchen

Master bedroom
Our closet


Living room, no pic of dining room, but I'm standing in it.
Familyroom off the kitchen.
This is a picture of our kitchen, well, our fridge. I take really bad pics.

Staying at Nanna and Larry's

Nana reading me goodnight stories!@=
Daddy showing Serena his old teddy bear
Chi sharing his breakfast with Serena. Trying to get Papa's ( Larry's) gatorade bottle. (the read streak on the leg is not a cut, its the bookmark from the book he is holding)
Getting to see and terrorize Foofy again. Serena missed her tons.

Hotel night and flying

She loves giving the baby in the mirror kisses.
Grandpa rocked Little Miss to sleep at the hotel.
This is Serena sitting in the seat next to me on the flight. It was horrible. She cried and screamed for 45minutes straight. But we made it through, I'm just not sure if I will put her back on a plane!

Grayson and Serena

While we were in Columbia we went to visit one of my long time friends Wendy and her son Grayson. He is about 1yr older than Serena. They had tons of fun playing, Serena was chasing his all around.
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker