Thursday, November 20, 2008

playing with papa


Also with our food struggle comes her independence to wanting to only feed herself with a fork or spoon. She does a good job, but when she is really hungry, using the hand is faster.

Meal time

Meal time use to be so easy and a fun time for all. Now its getting more and more difficult to get her to eat...especially meat. This night, she was just having a breakdown because she wasn't getting her way and was frustrated. When she is like this she rubs her hands in her hair. Sean couldn't resist taking pictures of this moment.

Just being Serena

She recently learned how to pull her footstool all over the place to get where she wants, like on the couch.


Serena loves her gymnastics class but they have taught her how to climb and hang and swing on a bar. She now will hang onto anything that resembles a bar and try to climb up. This includes climbing the dishwasher, the babygate and the bar in the bathtub. This morning she tried climbing out of her crib but only succeded in getting both of her legs stuck between the railings.

Captian Destruction!

Just see for yourself!

Bring us books

When Serena wants to read a book she will bring one up to you and grunt, meaning "read this to me now"! We read lots of books throughout the day and usually the same one several times.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Visiting Aunt Kay and Uncle Sean

We stayed a couple of nights up in Washington with Kay and Sean over the weekend and had a wonderful time playing Wii and watching Serena play and get into everything at their house. Here are a pics and a video of her having fun.

Halloween Bee

The boys next door!!

Hangin' with the boys

The boys from next door where over to play for awhile....Serena loves 'da boys'.
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker