Sunday, December 21, 2008

Keeping busy in the house

Making chocolate chip cookies and licking the dough!! Serena now loves cookies, she walks past the counter and says,"Cook"? Trying to help herself to some cookies!! She is very resourceful!
She loves wearing mommys slippers!

Snow and ICe

The first storm results! The first storm results.
Last night before bed and more snow and ice.

She kept getting frustrated b\c when she walked in the grass it was too deep and she kept falling and wasn't able to get back up....poor baby...she gets so frustrated.

This morning we woke up to about 6 inches of snow with a layer of crunchy ice on top...all the trees are coated.

Winter weather

Not being able to play outside much has made us get creative finding new and exciting things to do to keep Serena entertained. On this particular day, we set up on obstical course!

So they tell me in Oregon, down in the valley where we live, snow is rare. And IF it does snow, its only a light dusting....whatever!! I guess the Missouri weather followed me here.

Just for fun

Aunt Kay feeding me a snack!! I love food! Go doggy go!

Overalls are too cute!

Learning new skills

Look Ma! I can zip and unzip now....keeping Pj's on her has become a whole new challange!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Putting up the tree.

My mom was in town for my baby shower, so while we had a sitter on hand, we went out a found the perfect Christmas Tree. This is where Serena was during the putting up of the tree....she wanted to help....a little too much.
You can't see it very well, but the end result. Serena is doing well with the tree, she likes to look at it and she does like a couple of the ornaments, but we just tell her they are not for touching and she listens...most of the time.

Kayel posing!

We had a blast having Kayel and Kristi visit...those little girls played hard every day! Your family is welcome back anytime!!
Here Serena is helping Kristi fold laundry...she is such a big help. Sean playing with the girls. cute!

Very cute!

Kayel trying to get Serena to pose.

At the aquarium

A shark, up close and personal!!

Petting a sea urchin.

At the petting tank.

Touching a starfish. Kayel also touched a baby shark, but I didn't get a picture of it...she wasn't too sure about touching the sting rays. Serena doesn't touch anything yet...she just wants to get in the tanks with the stuff.

At the Beach

Not a lot of pictures from the beach because I was too busy holding on to Serena....she will just walk out into the water with no cares in the world....she and Kayel both didn't mind that the water temp was 53 degrees. However, when Serena and I got hit with a sneaker wave (up to my waist) I did mind. No worries, I was holding Serena up, she only got her feet wet.

Two tired little monsters!
So tired, they were laying down on the beach!
Kayel making a hopscotch grid in the sand.

Serena had just ate some sand she was happy.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

More of Kristi and Kayel

On the way to the beach, we stopped to potty and Serena had a worries, she cuddled with Kayel and was fine! More pics at the falls

Kristi and Kayel--part 2

At Silver Falls...Kristi getting a workout carring Serena! The girls enjoying a pear.
Kayel bouncing Serena! This was a fun game as you can see from the expression on both of their faces.

At the end of a busy day the girls loved bathing together and turing on the bubbles! Serena was just in wonder with Kayel this whole week!!

Shopping at the outlet mall!

This is a video of Kayel bouncing Serena, it was sooo cute.

Kristi and Kayel's visit

Petting the animals. The goat standing on the cow!

Kayel and Serena played wonderfully together. This is Serena planting a big one on Kayel.

Serena and Kayel both had taken a nap after a hard day of playing, Serna woke up first and wanted her new playmate to get up too!

Just waking up one morning!

This is a video of Serena trying to wake up Kayel from her nap. It wasn't working too well...she can sleep through almost anything!

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker