Sunday, June 7, 2009


We had a Missouri like storm here the other day and it took out 2 of our neighbors trees and they landed in our yard...good times!


Sometimes Serena still wants to be the baby.

Kids being Kids

So a quick up date of recent events in our lives. Serena is officially pacy-free and has been for about a week and a half and she is doing great...she does try and steal Seths pacys and she tried sucking on the pacys that came with her baby dolls but slowly she is learning not to take Seths and I removed all the pacys from her dolls!
Seth just had his 2 month check up and is measuring around the 75%...he seems so much bigger than that!! He is doing great! He is so laid back and is so nice.

Here Serena has bandaids on both arms because she had labs drawn and the nurse missed the first time....Mama NOT happy!!!

He is so cute.

Moving water from bucket to bucket is what we are into now!

A typical sunny day at our house. You can't keep this girl out of the water!!

Second attempt at the Zoo

This day at the Zoo went much better! This time we put Serena in the backpack and there were no injuries. Here are some of the animals we saw at the Zoo. This first one you can;t see very well, but it was one of Serenas favorites.

Just a Sunday Afternoon

Everyother Sunday or so, Seans parents, Carmey and Larry come down to enjoy some time with their grandkids. On this particular day, great grandma and Chi and Alison also were there.
This is Chi meeting Seth. Great grandma loves babies!
Nana (Nanny as Serena says) reading a book with Serena.

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker