Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Morning!!

I have on my beautiful easter dress with my presents all around. For Easter dad got me my first Dragon, I like to chew and drool on her wings and face. I also got this really fun ball to chew on that lights up like a strobe light....its very exciting.


This is me after learning I can hit mom and dads hand while they try to feed me....I can create such a mess in only a matter of minutes!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Out for a walk in the sun

I have moved on up the the big backpack for taking walks with mom and dad and I love it. I can look around and see everything, and wow, there is so much to see.

Preparing to Move

In order to get our house on the market we had to do a little work to the house. Thanks in large part to Mom and Dad Mitchem for all of your hours of help we were able to get it all done rather quickly. I would also like to thank Rachel, Emily and Russ for their hard work...much appreciated. This is house with new paint, cabinet doors in the kitchen, some de-cluttering and rearranging. Those who have seen our house before, oh what a change!!

Our house is on the market and we will be going to Oregon the first week of April to hopefully find a house. Its all exciting and scary at the same time.

MY first solid food!

I had my first solid food today, a vanilla waffer. It was sooooo good, it just melts in your mouth, and on your face, and all over your hands, and down your shirt, ect

Transitioning to the big crib

This is my big crib, we moved it to mom and dads room. Mom still doesn't want to have me sleeping alone all the way up stairs, so this will do. I do love my new crib and all the room I have, no one night maybe I'll sleep the whole night in it!

More Tub Pictures

ME and my foofy!

Serena loves the cat, she tracks her everywhere and oh, today she got a hold of poor foofy, she had 2 hand fulls of fur and whiskers. Foofy tolerates it well!!

In my pretty summer dress!

Very cute!! But look at her left this her way of telling me NO DRESSES??!!??

Daddy with his baby

Playing outside!!

After being cooped up in the house all winter long, the first 60 degree day we were outside, experiencing the warm sun, birds and even feeling some grass!!!

A Piano Player

Serena's first piano....isn't she a beautiful piano player. This is her first symphony.

Help!!! I'm Stuck!!

She fell over!!


This video clip is kinda dark but you get the idea, her first time with something other than cereal.

Out to dinner

The 3 of us went out to eat at Red Lobster....Serena was very good, smiled at the staff and let us eat a whole meal!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Not getting my way!!

This is a video clip of our precious "little miss" not getting her way.....oh, how will we survive when she learns to talk???

Baby Shower

I haven't updated for a while, we have had lots going on around the house with getting things ready for moving. But this is from 2/22/07 at a baby shower for Becky Kleine. This is the first time Serena played with another baby. The adorable baby she is playing with is Natalie, she is 1 month older that Serena. Serena was expressing her stranger anxiety even with another baby!!
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker