Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Serena has a new cousin!

Lisa and RT had their baby today, a little boy, Kade Andrew, 6 lbs 3oz, and 18 inches. Mother and baby both doing well! I will post pics when I get them.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Oh NO, she is my daughter!!

I was a big climber as a child and I never stayed in my crib, or any other confining space for that matter. I see this starting to emerge in Serena!!

Painting with pudding and water play

Getting her pacy

This bright pink pacey is her favorite, she sat here for about 5 minutes, trying every which way to get it in her mouth, she was finally successful.

Sliver Creek Falls

We live about 30 minutes away from this park with tons of hiking and biking trails, and of course water falls. We weren't sure how Serena would do with being a thge pack for a couple of hours, but she LOVED it!!

Just playing

For all of those who can't see her on a regular basis, this is her just playing and having fun.

My little Sniffer

I'm not sure where she learned this, but she has been doing it all the time.

Eating a plum

We were letting Serena eat on a plum, and I not knowing it would just fall apart, took the skin off and well you can see the mess it made!

Finger Painting

Just being cute playing outside.


Serena loves to chew on the apples from our apple trees. They're not quite ripe yet, but she seems to enjoy the tartness.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rootbeer as the incentive!

Serena took her first steps alone that were controlled and not just a stumbling forward motion!! I was holding a bottle of rootbeer and she wanted it, so she just let go of the table and walked toward were I was sitting a few feet away. As a reward for doing such a great job I let her put her mouth on the bottle, but no soda for babies!! I can't believe how fast she is learning, her vocab is up to 5-10 words, she understands much more, but she can't verbalize everything yet.....I'm sure I will regret the day she can, there are times I'm positive she is cussing Sean and I out in her language for not letting her do what she wants.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Starting to walk

She has great balance. She can stand on her own and dance, but she is afraid to walk alone. She just sits down, its a controlled sitting down, but shes not quite walking alone yet. Here is a video of her walking with a push toy that she likes. Today I took her outside with it and she was all over the place!!!

Passed out

After all the excitement thats been going on, Serena fell asleep on the couch and this is how she positioned herself!

seeing my godparents

My godparents live in Northern California, so while mom was visiting they came up to see us. It was wonderful to see them and introduce them to my family. Mom was really happy to see her friend again!!

On the Columbia River

We spent a day with Seans parents, my mom, aunt Kay, Uncle Sean, Chi, Ali and 2 exchange students on the Columbia River. Sean tried wake (sp?) boarding. The grandparents went for a boat ride, and even though it was a little cool out, we still couldn't keep Serena out of the water.

Going to the falls

Taking mom to the beach

Mom came out for a visit and we stayed in a beach house right on the water....we had a beautiful day!!!!!!

moving and grovin

More at the beach with Chi and Ali

At the beach with Chi and Ali

We stayed at the beach in an AMAZING beach house with Chi and Alison. The main house was 3 stories and LOTS of room to sleep and then the library had a secrete passage to wine cellar....it was so awesome.

Playing in the Pool

She doesn't like to crawl on concrete or grass so she always bear walks!

Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker