At the zoo
Monday, March 29, 2010
Ok, So its been a little while...Sorry, life is busy! SO, quick run down of whats been going on this year. Sean is still working for Northwest Newborns and loving his job, he had his review and they love him too!! I started working at a local Childrens Hospital in Peds Heme\Onc PRN so its nice to be back to work once in a while. We put the kids in daycare in Janurary, that lasted 2 weeks, pulled them out and hired a nanny for 2 days a week. She was wonderful but recently just left us, so we are now on nanny number 2 and she seems amazing!!! Trying the keep the kids busy, we go to Pump It Up to burn energy. We have season passes to the Zoo and the Childrens Museum. We also just went to a theme park for littler kids called The Enchanted Forest.....awesome!! Serena likes roller coasters!! Last week both on the kids fell on seperate occasions and both chipped teeth.....Seth;s is much more noticable than Serenas but they both went to the dentist and all is good. On that note, Serena had her first cleaning and NO cavities and she did awesome! Serena talks a mile a minute, l,ove to sing and dance and rides her 2 wheel 'skuut' bike very well!! Seth has been walking for a while and is jabbering, says mama and dada, waves bye and can go down the slide on his own. Hope all is well with all. I hope to post more after Seths birthday this weekend.
At the zoo
Someone got into my mascera and tried to put it on by herself
At the zoo
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