Sorry, yet again for the delay!! So whats been going on. Serena turned 2yrs old, there are pics futher down. I interviewed for a job in a peds heme\onc clinic. Serena had her first preview of school. Both of the kids just had a well child checkup. Serena is 2 yrs old, weighing in at 26lbs, and is 80cm (about 50% for ht and wt). Seth is weighing in at 18.2 lbs, and is 70 cm. I just wanna throw in there that Serena weighed 19 lbs at 1yr!! So both are growing very well!! Sean just had an annual review from his work and things are going great and he is well liked! There is talk about him moving up to Portland in the future....hopefully not too soon...we are just getting settled here! We are keeping busy and keeping the kids busy. Everyone have a safe Halloween and I will post their costumes after Halloween.
A flower from Chi!

My little baby girl sick, cuddling with Foofy

Seth, trying to crawl and read.

This is Serena before I took her to her first day of was just for an hour and a half and I was in the building the whole time, when I returned to her room, she never even missed me!! I guess this will be harder on me than on her. My goal is for the kids to eventually go to school (daycare) 2 days a week so I can return to work a little bit.....we are working up to it. I'm having a little bit of trouble letting go.

My little Happy Pants!! Oh, this is a 12 month outfit!!
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